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Player safety is very important and we understand that "safety" is not limited to physical injuries.  Players also need to be surrounded by role models they can look up to and trust, which is why we require background checks to ensure that our learning environment is as safe as our fields and equipment.  Huntington Valley Little League obtains criminal background checks for volunteer managers, coaches, board members, assistant coaches, umpires and any other persons, volunteers and/or hired workers who provide regular services to or who have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. These checks are completed annually on all new and returning individuals prior to the individual assuming his/her duties for the current season. See below for more detailed information.

It is also the responsibility of the league's Safety Officer
“to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball”.  As such, HVLL annually produces a Safety Plan as a tool to place important information in the hands of our managers and volunteers.

Please click here to contact the HVLL Safety Officer.

Procedures for Reporting Incidents or Injuries

Any incident that causes a player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the Safety Officer within 48 hours of the incident.  Please complete the Incident/Injury form below and submit it to the HVLL Safety Officer.

Please click here to contact the HVLL Safety Officer.

Background Checks

As part of California District 62, HVLL conducts annual background checks as required by Little League Baseball Inc. Background checks are performed annually on volunteer managers, coaches, assistant coaches, umpires and other volunteers who have repetitive contact with the players.

The background checks are done through JDP under contract with Little League Baseball Inc. The background results include state and federal criminal arrest records, and registered sex offender information.  JDP does not provide notification of subsequent arrest after the background check is completed, therefore background checks are completed annually.

Pursuant to California State Law, Article 3 (commencing with Section 11100) of Chapter 1 of Title 1 of Part 4 of the Penal Code, criminal history information is used internally and the District does not disclose confidential criminal history information to the public.

Additional information on Little League Background checks can be found at

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